7 Expert Tips To Create A Killer LinkedIn Profile!

No matter what job you’re doing or even if you’re unemployed searching for the right job, LinkedIn is your quickest route to a successful career. What you need to do is create a professional looking profile on this platform and you can increase your chances of getting the attention of the employers at the right time.
According to a recent survey by Jobvite, almost 95% of employers and recruiters today use LinkedIn to hire individuals for various positions. Thus, now it has become very crucial for an individual to have a professional profile on LinkedIn.
It isn’t hard to fill out your profile but if you follow some certain tips, you will surely be delighted to create a strong and professional profile on the world’s biggest professional networking website.
Here are some tips for creating a killer LinkedIn profile:
1. Keep A Professional Profile Picture
Your picture says it all. If you don’t have it yet, you must add it to your to-do list today. Avoid putting up your selfies or pictures of any objects.Your picture is your first impression to a potential employer, so you should keep it as professional as you can. But that doesn’t at all mean that you will have to wear some kind of business. You only need to look professional and pleasant in your own style.
2. Make An Appealing Headline
It’s essential to create an effective headline for making your LinkedIn profile stand out from the rest. What you need to do is create a headline that is marketable, searchable and will help you get found by the right people.
While writing your headline, it is advisable to select descriptive and convincing keywords so that you can preciselydefine your areas of expertise to your audience.Keep your headline to maximum 10 words. For example, the headline of an HR professional can say “An HR Professional & Recruiter For Hunting The Right Talent!”
3. Don’t Ignore the “Summary” section
Always write an exceptional and captivating summary of yourself. Fill out this section by writing a few of your greatest achievements in life.You can add bullet points to make it easier for your audience to scan important information.
In addition, you can add some media files about your experience, such as a video, presentation or maybe an infographic that visually summarize your career.
4. Include Details About Your Experience
When it comes to writing about your experience, you can either copy paste it from your CVor add a more generic “skills-based” experience sub-category in the ‘Summary’ section. You can also add documents or images to create a visual portfolio and make your experience section more appealingfor the viewers.
5. Join Groups And Associations
It is best to fill out as much of the profile as you can. Joining groups and associations over LinkedIn is a great way to create a strong network of people who share the same interests. You can also choose from more than 1 million groups on LinkedIn.
It’s always better to join as many groups as possible and participate in the discussions. This will allow potential employers to easilyfind you.
6. Ask For Recommendations
Though endorsements are great but recommendations are more valuable as it lends credibility to your profile. You can even ask for recommendations from your previous colleagues with whom you have worked in the past, including your bosses, managers, mentors, clients and associates. Don’t forget to reciprocate their gesture by writing a recommendation for them.
7. Include specific keywords.
Incorporate keywords everywhere in your profile, especially in the ‘Experience’ and ‘Summary’ sections. Optimizing right keywords in the profile increases its chances of appearing in the search engines. Besides, employers use specific industry-related keywords while searching for a potential candidate even on the LinkedIn.
In other words,these keywords allow you to be shown easily in the employer’s search results. You can go to the “Careers” page of your potential employer to know some of the common keywords related to a particular job.
Author Bio:
Catherine Daisy is a business author and regularly writes about business, management, and technology. In her free time, she also assists students in their assignment writing work. 

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