Preparing for your first yearly performance review

You got hired, you have worked your way throughout the year and now you are looking at another year to come. Before that, there is a performance review, which will be undertaken by your boss and based on your performance your appraisal will be finalized. Most employees look forward to a performance review day as a chance of having one on one honest conversation with their boss. They also look forward to getting the recognition for the work they have done throughout the year and address concerns they have with particular areas of the job. Performance reviews, also talk about how roles could be further enhanced to better the career growth of the employee and find him something new to focus his attention and work on. All such conversations make up for a perfect performance review session.
For many employees, the performance review is just another day where they sit down with their bosses and listen to all kinds of critics. However, this is usually the case when the employee performance review is not taken seriously. Organizations who do not take the employee performance review with seriousness have high employee turnover rate and serious underlying problems affecting their growth and employee motivation programs. Today, we are going to talk from the perspective of an employee as to how they can prepare for their first yearly performance review, to ensure it is not only effective but also motivating and rewarding.

Find out your review date and period
First of all, when you think your review is coming closer and you need to prepare, then find out the exact review date and period. Get the alignment with your boss on a possible review date as well as the HR, so you know when it is happening. This also gives a signal to your boss, that you are really looking forward to this session and that you are also very serious about it.

Start evaluating your performance personally
Very honestly, start tagging your performances throughout the year and evaluate them. Make a list of all the projects that you have done throughout the year and evaluate yourself and your performance on those. Find out your areas of improvement and areas of strengths which will be points of good discussion during the review session.

Get a review form
For your personal assessment and understanding, get a copy of your organization’s review form. Find out how and what areas are covered, you can use it to evaluate yourself as a sample and see how you score. Every review form has a score and a grade, this will identify the measurement of your performance throughout the year.

Set goals and discussion points to talk about
Finally, make a list of goals, objectives and discussion points that you wish to talk about in your review session. Your objectives should also include what are your expectations about your role and the things that you wish to achieve next year. You can also make a list of your achievements and discuss the key points that made those achievements possible for you.

Author Bio
Pamela Clark has written this post for the website Essay-tigers, she works for a top firm at Essay writing help service in Australia. Her experience and valuable insights are something that all users look forward to reading about. Peoples can follow here at Facebook-Twitter-Gplus.


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