5 Smart Strategies to Help You Stand Out in a Group Interview

Taking part in a group interview can be very intimidating. Not only do you have to impress your interviewer, but you also have to stand out against all of the other candidates – and they are all trying to do the same thing. Use these five smart strategies to ensure that you can get ahead.

1. Be Yourself

The first and most important point is not to be fake during your interview. Just be yourself, and let your own personality shine through. If that means making a few cheesy jokes, staying focused and on task, or making friends with everyone – be who you are. It may be difficult for an introvert to let themselves be heard, but you have to project the image of your real self. If you come across as someone different and get hired, you’re not likely to have a good experience. If your personality fits in with the company culture, on the other hand, then showing it off can only win you bonus points.

2. Be Open

It’s easy to get on the defensive when you go into an experience like this. Instead, be open. Be friendly towards the other candidates and make sure to introduce yourself personally to your interviewer, even at the end of the process if there is no other opportunity. Be open to questions and try to stay relaxed. When you keep this mindset of being open, you are far less likely to tense up and stress out, no matter what the situation throws at you. Go with the flow and see what happens.

3. Be Involved

Don’t let the process of the interview go on around you without your participation. Get involved in group tasks, show your skills and knowledge, and make sure that the interviewer remembers your face. Respond to others and point out problems, as well as their solutions. If you think you know something better than the person answering a question or taking on a task, and it wouldn’t be seen as too rude to jump in, then jump in. Toe the line and play by the rules, but don’t be afraid to make your mark.

4. Be Better

Try to show yourself as one step higher than other candidates in any areas that you can. Turn up early – hopefully you may be the first to arrive. Do your homework on the company so that you can answer questions and even demonstrate your knowledge that others may not have picked up on. Be a team player and help others to succeed at tasks, but make sure that interviewers know you are the brains behind the operation. Be friendlier, more confident, and more willing to engage. Whatever you do, try to be the best candidate on the floor.

5. Be a Team Player

Finally, don’t try to steal the limelight at every given opportunity. Instead, be a team player, so that even when you are the one calling all the shots it feels like a win for everyone. Why? Because you will be demonstrating to your interview what it would be like for people to work with you within the company. You don’t have to be the show-stealer who hogs all the glory. A team player is more valuable.

With these tips in mind, you should find it a lot easier to tackle a group interview. Remember: if you do all of these things and you don’t get the job, you’re not a good fit for the company. It doesn’t mean you’re not a good worker, and could actually be a blessing in disguise.


Bio: Elizabeth Lee is a HR blogger writing on behalf of PACK & SEND – experts in the fields of logistics and transport. With her unquenchable love for blogging, Elizabeth might often be found sharing her tips with employers and job seekers alike. Feel free to follow her on @LelizabethLee86.

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